Thursday, November 7, 2013

A Day At The Beach

English Assignment: Assisted several students by reading beach poetry and watching a beach video to tap into their senses. Then looking at the use of  "there" in writing
A Day At The Beach
It was just a normal day in Metlakatla, and I decided to go down to the beach just below the Sandy Park, located by the market. But, to actually describe the day it wasn’t so normal, for it was sunny, and usually it is rainy. But today, this was not so. I looked around, and there were not a lot of trees around, well at least not pine trees. It wasn’t really a rocky beach but you could see quite a bit of rocks on the small cliff that hits off in the water.

Close by eagles were dancing around in the bright, clear, blue, serene sky. They did their little whistled calls and were swooping down low, probably to catch a fish. I could also see a pod of orca. Around here a mob of crows alighted where a piece of breadcrumbs were. Then I heard the hoarse cries of some seagulls. Their screams always seemed to get annoying. I looked around, and then a putrid smell came to my nose.                                                                                                        
Anyone who wasn’t from here would have been grossed out, but the smell of low tide and fish was really strong sometimes. I heard the waves lapping against the sandy shore.  And you can smell the salty ocean scent. So you can watch the soothing tide.  There’s so many things to beachcomb here I also like to collect shells.  That is why I like to go to a beach.

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