Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The Incredible Search for the Beast Loch Ness

Can the monster be more than a myth?Students will go on an inspiring journey with 15-year-old. 
Read the "Beast of Loch Ness" and Why we Believe" then  answer questions 1-6
The Incredible Search for the Beast of Loch Ness.
pages 4-8                               
1. How convincing is the evidence that the LochNess Monster is real? Let's read to find out!


Paired Reading: Nonfiction.pdf

Further Research: Karlshuker.blogspot.com/
Source Achieve 3000
Imagine that you are a scientist. You are studying Gordon Holmes' video. How will you decide what is in the water? What do you think is in the water?
Analyze in detail how a key individual, event, or idea is introduced, illustrated, and elaborated in a text (e.g., through examples or anecdotes).

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

True Survival Stories_Paul Dowswell

The RTI Group selected this book as their next read.
First story is Dive to Disaster pages 7-25
Read 7-10, 10-17, 17-25
You can check it out at Barnesandnoble.com/

Paired Reading: "The Deepest Ocean" Achieve 3000. By understanding the connections and being able to relate theme to book to book. Students learn to make associations and connections. Gallagher 1995

Prior to reading will write about what they KNOW about submarines with the following template. Then what they want to KNOW and what they LEARNED.

Vocabulary: define and sort word by category.
submarine p. 9
submerges p. 7
catastrophe­ p. 15
survived p. 11
suffocation p. 13
asphyxiation p. 13
emergency p. 14
rescue p. 14
surface p. 17
ascent p. 19
disastrous p. 24
salvaged p. 24

1. Define Dilemma,
The author states, "No submarine crew had ever before been rescued from this far beneath the sea."
2. How do you think the captain felt?
     The crew faced suffocation, lethal danger, and the need to conserve their air supply. 

3. Use the timeline as a framework to help understand the story. (History)
8:40 sea trials
9:40 scheduled to call in
12:00 ________________________________________________________
What did they eat? _____________________________________________
1:00 _________________________________________________________
7:30 _________________________________________________________
4:20 _ ________________________________________________________
9:30 _________________________________________________________
Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.

Table of Contents
1. Dive to Disaster  USS Squalus 'The Squalus Story' B&W
Inside the Navy's Newest Nuclear Submarine PCU Minnesota. Part 1 of 2  
There is a Southeast Alaska Measurement Facility located in Behm Cannal near Ketchikan, Alaska. SeaFac

History of Submarine
Kursk Submarine Disaster
What is the Mariana Trench?
Video Pairing with the Deep Sea Challenge 

Cartesian Diver
 Chemistry Magic

2. Hindenburg's Hydrogen Inferno
3. Captain Bligh's Boatload of Trouble
4. Adrift in the Desert
5. Shark's Breakfast
6. Lucky 13
7. Swallowed by a Volcano
8. Terror in the Sky
9. Lost in a Polar Wilderness
10. "The Mighty Hood"
Integrate information presented in different media or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively) as well as in words to develop a coherent understanding of a topic or issue.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Veteran's Day

Students watched a brief historical piece while viewing the Alaska Honor Flight.

Dear Veteran, e.g. I appreciate all you did to help our country and live free. Students wrote letters of appreciation.
Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. (Grade-specific expectations for writing types are defined in standards 1-3 above.)

Friday, November 7, 2014

Where She Went_by Gayle Forman

The next book 9th graders will read after If I Stay. You may start reading online Bestlibraryspot.net
or ebooks
Where She Went  three years into the future. Adam is telling his story. Reade Where She Went Chapters
Chapter one

Discussion Questions for your writer's notebook.
Where she went picks up three years after Mia decided to stay.
1. Do you think this time lapse matters? 2. Would the story have worked if it took place one or even two years later? Why? or why not?

 Review story: Using words first, next, after, finally
Preview vocab.:
rehasing p. 155
recedes p. 156
gesture p. 157
abandonment p. 159
becons p. 161
The boogeyman sleeps on your side of the bed
Whispers in my ear: Better off dead.”
Fills my dreams with sirens and lights regret
Kisses me gently when I wake up in a sweat.”
Journal Tell about the chapter, what you foresee
The author says, “Haunt” is not the right word for it. Haunt makes it sound bad, unwelcome. But I do hear them. All the time.” P. 161 What does she hear?
Discussion Questions
Connections: Text to Self, have you had to move on?
Journal: Draw a diagram of a pencil. A pencil has two ends, one for writing and the other for erasing. On the eraser end, consider what actions the character wishes he or she could erase.
Draw a pencil
On the writing end of the pencil, note the actions the character wishes he or she had done.

Take from Deeper Reading


Author Gayle Forman's Bio LessonsPrintables
and contrast Adam’s and Mia’s current lives. Does Mia seem
happy with her life in New York? Is there anything in her story that would
Compare and and contrast Adam's and Mia's current lives. Does Mia seem happy with her life in New York? Is there anything that would make you think otherwise?
Analyzing Characters.pdf
Analyze how complex characters (e.g., those with multiple or conflicting motivations) develop over the course of a text, interact with other characters, and advance the plot or develop the theme.

Identify at least 4 traits for each of the main characters. You may use the attached sheet for traits or determine your own traits. Give each character a grade and find a direct quote from the book which supports your grade and the page on which the quote was found. See the first example for Adam. Then give Mia a grade.

Grading Scale:    A- character almost always demonstrates this character trait
                            B- a character usually demonstrates this character trait
                            C- a character sometimes demonstrates this character trait
                            D- a character rarely demonstrates this character trait
                             F- a character never demonstrates this trait
Character Traits Word Bank
adventurous, afraid, ambitious, arrogant, bad, bold, bossy, brainy, brave, brilliant,
calm, careful, careless, charming, cheerful, childish, cowardly, cruel, curious,
demanding, depressed, dishonest, eager, easygoing, energetic, evil, faithful, fearless,
foolish, friendly, funny, gentle, giving, gloomy, graceful, greedy, guilty, happy,
healthy, helpful, honest, hopeful, imaginative, impatient, impolite, innocent, inventive,
intelligent, jealous, kind, lazy, lonely, loving, loyal, lucky, mature, mean, mysterious,
nervous, nice, noisy, obedient, peaceful, pleasant, polite, poor, proud, quiet, responsible,
rough, rowdy, rude, sad, scared, selfish, serious, shy, silly, sly, smart, sneaky, spoiled,
strange, sweet, talented, thoughtful, thoughtless, trusting, trustworthy, unfriendly, unhappy,
upset, warm, weak, wicked, wise, worried, . . .


Old Groaner_Bear

Two young visitors read about the legendary story of "Old Groaner".
SourceMuseums Exhibits AlaskaSportsman.html

Bear Researcher LaVern Beier
Determine a central idea of a text and how it is conveyed through particular details; provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Antonine Turner_Boise State Can Help

    Read the following Antoine Article using the Close Reading Strategy

    • Close reading slows us down . . .
    • Keeps us focused 
    1.  READ the entire text to get the "flow"
    2.  Second read did a little deeper.
    3.  WRITE important thoughts in the margin (Side notes)

      Incredible Stories of Courage in Sports_Brad Herzog

      A group is reading "Brave in the Waves" pages 10-13
      Text to Text link to The Shark Lady

      Meet the Real Soul Surfer

      Scholastic Story of Bethany 

      Bethany Links 

       Her twitter account: Bethany Hamilton