Friday, September 25, 2015

Building Big Containerships

Read to learn how engineers designed and built the world's largest container ships to carry goods around the globe.
Experience Panama
In Alaska, we rely on our weekly supplies by Samson Tug and Barge
The Local Market Freight days are Wednesday and Thursday.

Follow a Container Ship
Across the Atlantic Ocean

Science Connection
Experiment: Making a Boat

Monday, September 14, 2015

Finding Bigfoot Everything you need to know by_Cliff Barackman

Bigfoot Video Review of the Bigfoot Special Edition

Newsweek Edition
Cliff Barackman
 Fnding Bigfoot Unexplained Mysteries You can listen to a sample of the Audible audio edition.
Prior to reading 
The Squatchers w/ Cliff Barackman & Craig Flipy 1 hr 
People Say Bigfoot Doesn't Exist, Read page IX
1. Restates the question in the answer.
2. Uses specific details when describing parts of the book (character names, places,...)
3. Answers question using at least three supporting details. Provides evidence from the text to support
4. Sums it up with a great concluding sentence.
5.Writes in complete sentences using proper punctuation, capitalization & spelling.
6. All parts of the log are complete.
7. Includes question # that is being answered. 
8. Includes question # that is being answered
Each part is worth 5 points ______40 total
Paired this with a Teddy Roosevlet excerpt from his book.  The group will retell the story.
Big Foot Encounters Bauman Story

I Think I'm Related to Bigfoot

A Funny Bigfoot Poem for Kids
I think I'm related to Bigfoot,
though nothing has ever been proved.
I sort of suspect he's a cousin,
just seven or eight times removed.

It's not that I'm apelike or hairy.
It isn't the size of my feet.
It's more on account of my family.
We're all fairly far from petite.

My sister is kind of a Bigmouth.
My brother could go by Bigsmelly.
My mother is known for her Bighair.
My father? You guessed it: Bigbelly.

And as for myself, I'm attractive.
You might even call me a cutie,
except for one obvious feature...
My family all call me Bigbootie.
--Kenn Nesbitt

Debris From_Disasters

Foating Debris from Japan

Currents carry floating debris from disasters.
Map shows debris from Japan Tsunami is Floating toward the U. S. Coast

NOAA says it plans to track the movement of the debris for the foreseeable future, because "concerns persist" that it could wash up along the shorelines of Hawaii, Alaska, Canada and the U.S. mainland for the next few years.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Animal Heroes_Karleen Bradford

 10 Animals That Saved Lives Purina Hall of Fame
Scholastic A reading group selected this book to read.
We read the story Tia ~ The Labrador who retrieved a boat p. 37-42 first, since it takes place on Vancouver Island in British Columbia.  Our weather is similar.
Danny Parker was paddling in a small dingy
The author starts with “The boat rocked alarmingly; paddling was getting more and more difficult. Tia was nowhere to be seen
eager p. 37
alarmingly p. 38
unsinkable p.38
frigid p. 39
Have you ever experienced as the author describes, the water was wild.

1. Cali
2. Grizzly Hero Animals: The Dog that Battled the Bear
Paul Guitard was training his husky dog-racing team in the forests of Ontario, Canada when a black she-bear attacked, spilling him to the ground.
3. Hustler German Shepherd Rescues German Shepherds Stories 
story map is for Hustler StoryMap.doc
4. Nago
5. Nellie
6. Tia
7. Simon, The Ships Cat ~ Use the summary to record the story.
Simon (Feline)  Amethyst the Yangtse Incident
8. Shana
9. Charlie
10. Floyd
11. Samantha 
12. Euchre
13. The Rabbit Who Joined the Navy 
Military Working Dog Handler 

Monday, September 7, 2015

Shark Lady_True Adventures of Eugenie Clark by Ann McGovern

6th Grade Readers selected this book to read. Taggs  Sharksider
Read about Eugenie Clark pdf

Read Children Everywhere pages 45-51 Student will be assessed using a running record to identify patterns in student reading behaviors. 
Read the chapter to visualize as you read. 
  • Picture the setting in your mind. 
  • Try to picture in your mind the things that the characters are doing.  
Hint a couple of examples:  
The text says, there were children everywhere.
          A little boy about 4 years was sitting on the wooden platform of the shark pent! And he was dangling his feet in the water!

 Virtualtour Baltimore Aquarium
Read A Very Special Saturday pages 7-12 Eugenie went to the Aquarium while her mother worked.
Read Three Fish, Four Fish - More and More Fish pages 13-19 to discover why her Grandma said "NO!"
Read Trouble With Grandma pages 20-23 Her grandmother found some unusual things in the fridge and in a pot. This is my favorite chapter! What did Eugenie learn how to do?
Vocabulary: ichthyologist
Read Adventures in the South Seas pages 30-36 Eugenie learned to do three things. (p. 34)
1) Eugenie learned to
How to Catch a Shark
1. We will read the chapter together. Text to Self:
Have you ever caught a shark?
2. Page 41 write what the text says about catching a shark.
3. They caught _______________# sharks. Write the details.

4. Check out the Sand Shark (From the text) and Shark Week Shark Week
 Check out recent Shark Attacks 

Weekly Reading Response Sheet  Mon  Tues  Wed  Thurs 
1. Restates the question in the answer. 
2. Uses specific details when describing parts of the book (character names, places,...) 
3. Answers question using at least three supporting details. 
Provides evidence from the text to support 
4. Sums it up with a great concluding sentence.   N.A.
5. Writes in complete sentences using proper punctuation, capitalization & spelling. 
6. All parts of the log are complete. 
7. Includes question # that is being answered.   
Late  (minus 5 points)  
 _____/40   _____/40   _____/40   _____/40 

The RTI Group selected Shark Lady to read. 9/8/14
Read the text pages 45-51 look at the title Children Everywhere and read the first page.
What do you think the chapter will be about? Write in your reader's notebook.
As you read the text and think about pictures in your mind. Then when you come to the text, "But there were problems, too." 
Imagine a different scenario.  
  1.  Make two sketches from the chapter and label them. 
  2. Now, draw a scenario from the chapter of what could have happened. (Hint: pages 50-51)
Three Sketches

Reading term; Scenario  details on the appearance of characters, scenes, and sequence of episodes.
Define the following words using a dictionary or online
/ or 
laboratory p. 45
weighed p. 47
peering p. 48
microscopes p. 48
habit p. 49 
dangling p. 50
  1. Look up the word in the dictionary. Place the definition on the back of the card.
  2. On the front of the card write the word with syllables.
  3. Place the cards in front of you and pronounce the words.
  4. Mark the difficult ones. When you fail to define the word on the first try, place a dot on the right corner.
  5. From time to time review the words.
Read the text pages 45-51
Tell what happened in this chapter.
Be ready to explain how Eugenie tried to protect the sharks from being killed. 
Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of a specific word choice on meaning and tone


Students are taking note using Cornell Note Taking Strategies.
Divide the paper into three sections: Step 1, Step 2, Step 3
A piece of paper divided into sections
Draw a dark horizontal line about 12  lines (4") from the bottom. Use a pencil draw the line.

Draw a dark vertical line about 2 inches from the left side of the paper from the top to the horizontal line. 

Used the template to define the word, think of synonyms and antonyms, and visualize it.

Students defined aquarium, mysterious, Orient, fascinating, Japanese, and pearl.

Biography of Eugenie 3:49 min

Taking Notes
Grill Revision List Revision_List


 Eugenies Deep Dive

Students are reading a non-fiction piece found in a Reader's Digest Magazine, Surviving a Shark Attack using the Close Reading Strategy. See sample.
 Scientists at Work
What methods do scientists use to study animal behavior?
 Topp Predators Tagging Map

OCEARCH is a non-profit doing research on the great white sharks and other apex predators.
There are Shark Week Videos
Eugenie Clark Video  Dr. Eugenie Clark
Royal discovered an underwater prehistoric graveyard that enabled scientists to recover the first remains of Ice Age Man 12,000 years old.
The Man Who Rode Sharks [Purchase]

Book @ Barnes & Noble

A student shared, "The book sounded interesting and my sister got me interested in sharks. I helped her with a shark report. I googled the sharks that she told me too."
"I just knew that I wanted to study fish, "shared Eugenie Clark

Sharks Eugenie 

The fine art of Ray Troll