16 Vocabulary
All these words have an ending
All these words end with an s
Reading Words
Column 2
Column 3
Column 4
1. numb
1. grinding
1. ignore
2. shrank
2. glanced
2. enter
3. ridge
3. punishment
3. sloshing
4. sliced
4. swarming
4. forth
5. cliff
5. nicer
5. schoolyard
6. itch
6. speckled
Draw the Relationships:
Straight lines between words that are similar and draw a squiggly line to words that are opposite.
Hint: Remember synonym and same start with the same letter |
In lesson 16 you'll be reading more about killer whales.
- Everybody about how long are killer whales?
- How do killer whales compare in size with other whales?
- Everybody, are killer whales fish?
- Name some other animals that are warm-blooded like killer whales.
Find part A in your workbook are from the reading Facts About Killer Whales.
- About how long are killer whales ____________________________________
- Compare the size of killer whales with the size of other whales. Killer whales ____________________________________
- Are killer whales fish? ____________________________________
- Are killer whales warm-blooded or cold-blooded? ____________________________________
- Name 3 animals that are warm-blooded. ____________________________________
- Name 3 animals that are cold-blooded. ____________________________________
Name 3 animals that are cold-blooded |
Paired with the
Alaska Wildlife Notebook Series
Whale Watching